The one big challenge all H&S consultants have in common

1 December 2019 · SaferMe team

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We’re an international business and as such we work with Health and Safety consultants across different parts of the world. Consultants and their clients are a big part of the tens of thousands of professionals using SaferMe.

We work with health and safety initiatives across industries and regions.

Analysing trends across our health and safety consultant network, our team has seen interesting regional nuances in how H&S consultants operate in different areas. 

However, surprisingly the trend that stands out most of all is actually a challenge that H&S consultants around the world share in common.

Everywhere we go, we hear a consistent message: consultants want to increase their engagement with clients (especially regularity), and shape better health & safety engagement within their clients’ organisations.

This makes sense: After all, consultants manage safety for multiple clients and they want to be able to engage meaningfully with each and every client – because they know this is immensely valuable:

– Engagement builds closer relationships and a greater presence in client organisations …
– This means better safety outcomes and it means ‘stickier’ and more valuable client relationships …
– It means a more successful business.

But if safety consultancies are to increase engagement they need a scalable way of doing it – a method that doesn’t exhaust all their time and resources.

In this respect it is fair to say many consultants have felt short-changed by technology thus far.

Legacy H&S systems (you know, those applications that still today make Windows 95 look modern) have likely done more harm than good to safety engagement and they’re unaffordable for small consultancies.

health and safety software; legacy H&S systems

Have you used a H&S system that reminded you of this? (Credit: ToastyTech)

The first mobile safety apps brought a positive step forward because they saved time on lengthy audits, inspections and assessments – and as we all know, time is money.

But most often the audit-focused apps are used only by consultants themselves. There has been little flow-on to end clients. So they save time, but they don’t strengthen engagement. In many cases rollouts to large numbers of end users could be prohibitively expensive.

So, what about that dream of better engaging with clients? And giving clients modern H&S technology with a simple but engaging mobile app?

That’s why we created SaferMe and the SaferMe H&S Consultant Partner Programme.

SaferMe is the only health and safety app that promotes safety engagement and proactively makes users safer.

In addition to the basics of creating forms for all types of safety reporting (all from audits, inspections and assessments, to near-misses, hazards and incidents), SaferMe offers instant sharing of safety data, mobile alerts, commenting and engagement on reports.

Advanced features like premium location hazard alerts (real-time lightning warnings), fatigue calculator and safety culture surveys give the platform a punch that other mobile HSE apps lack. 

Importantly for H&S consultants they can offer the app to all of their clients, and monitor their use of report forms and engage with them when they are active (or not!).

It enables consultants to have real-time insight into what is happening at their clients’ organisations. No more waiting for the quarterly meeting to find out what has or hasn’t been happening. They’re always across it.

Our consultant partners report that clients are happier after being provided with a modern mobile app that saves them time, and they feel more closely engaged with clients. We often hear that consultants credit the SaferMe offer with helping them win new and bigger contracts.

But don’t take our word for it.

Right now we’re offering a free training session + free one month trial so you can test the app with a client.

Don’t miss out on this offer: Register here now and start improving your engagement with clients today

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